It can be really tough to get a sick dog to eat. Sometimes they just don’t have any appetite, and it’s hard to get them to take in the nutrients they need to get better. But there are some things you can do to help encourage your dog to eat. In this post, we’ll discuss some tips on how to get a sick dog to eat, so that they can start feeling better sooner!
What to Feed a Sick Dog
When it comes to what to feed a sick dog, you’ll want to stick with simple, easily digestible foods. This means avoiding anything that’s high in fat or fiber, as it can be tough for them to digest. You also want to avoid anything that’s spicy or acidic, as this can further upset their stomach. Some good options include boiled chicken, rice, and cottage cheese. You can also give them small amounts of plain yogurt or mashed banana.
What NOT to Feed a Sick Dog
Just as important as knowing what to feed a sick dog, is knowing what NOT to feed them. Avoid giving them any table scraps, as they’re likely to be too greasy or fatty. You also want to avoid anything with bones, as these can splinter and cause internal damage. And finally, never give your dog chocolate, coffee, or alcohol, as these can be toxic.
Methods for Feeding a Sick Dog
There are a few different ways that you can go about feeding a sick dog. You’ll need to decide what will work best for your individual pet based on their symptoms and overall health. Here are some of the most common methods:
One way to get a sick dog to eat is by hand-feeding them. This can be especially helpful if your dog has lost their appetite completely and isn’t interested in food at all. To hand-feed your dog, simply put small pieces of food in your hand and offer it to them. You may need to do this multiple times throughout the day in order to get them to eat enough.
Adding Some Flavor
Another way to get a sick dog to eat is by adding some flavor to their food. This can be especially helpful if your dog is losing interest in their regular food. There are a few different ways you can add flavor to your dog’s food:
- Add some chicken broth or beef broth. This will make the food more appealing and easier to eat.
- Mix in some canned pumpkin (not the pie filling kind). This adds nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants.
- Add a little bit of peanut butter. This is a high-fat food that can help increase your dog’s appetite.
- Try adding some shredded cheese. This is another high-fat food that can be appetizing for dogs
Feeding Smaller Meals
If your dog is having trouble eating large meals, you can try breaking their food up into smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This can help them eat a little bit at a time and make it easier on their stomach.
Changing Their Food
If your dog is really sick, they may need a different type of food that is easier to digest. There are special diets for dogs with gastrointestinal problems that can be very helpful. Your veterinarian can help you choose the right food for your dog’s needs.
Making Sure They’re Comfortable
It’s important to make sure that your sick dog is comfortable while they’re eating. If they’re in pain, they may not have much of an appetite. Make sure they’re in a quiet place where they won’t be disturbed while they’re eating. You may also want to put a heating pad under their bedding to keep them warm.
How to Get a Sick Dog to Drink Water
It’s important to make sure that a sick dog is staying hydrated, as dehydration can make them feel even worse. If they’re not drinking much water on their own, you can try offering them small sips of water throughout the day. You can also add some chicken broth or beef broth to their water to make it more appealing to them. And if they’re really not interested in drinking anything at all, you can try giving them some Pedialyte or Gatorade, which can help replenish their electrolytes and make them feel better.
How to Get a Sick Dog to Take Medicine
If your dog is sick, they may need to take medication in order to get better. But getting a sick dog to take their medicine can be a challenge. One thing you can try is hiding the pills in some of their favorite food. You can also try crushing the pills and mixing them with a little bit of water or broth. And if all else fails, you may need to resort to giving them the medicine by force. However, this should only be done as a last resort, and only by someone who is experienced in doing so.
How to Comfort a Sick Dog
In addition to making sure that your sick dog is getting the food and water they need, it’s also important to provide them with some comfort. This means being extra gentle with them, and giving them lots of love and attention. You can also try placing a warm towel or heating pad on their bed to help soothe them. And if they’re having trouble sleeping, you can try giving them a small dose of children’s Benadryl, which can help them relax and fall asleep.
When To Bring a Sick Dog to the Vet
If your dog is showing any signs of illness, it’s always best to bring them to the vet as soon as possible. This way, you can make sure that they’re properly diagnosed and treated, and that they’re on the road to recovery.
Hopefully these tips will help you get your sick dog to eat and drink, and start feeling better soon!